Black & White linocut, monotype, & collage
"Questioning All of It", Linocut collage, 30" x40" 2021
"For the Sake of the Whole" Linocut, collage. 30"x 44", 2018
"T" Linocut, collage. 18"x 24", 2018
"No Talking" Linocut, collage. 12"x 9", 2018
"Life' Fortunes" Linocut, collage. 12"x 12", 2017
"Pieces of Dreams" Linocut, collage. 19"x 24", 2016
"Debate" Linocut, collage. 18"x 24", 2020
"Branching Out" Linocut. 12"x 7", 2017
Installation, linocut cutouts on wall, size variable. 2020.
"Hit or Miss" Linocut, collage. 12"x 12", 2019
"Outside the Box" Linocut. 18"x 24", 2005
"Things Real and Imagined" Linocut, collage. 18"x 24", 2017
"Three Choices" Linocut. 12"x 7", 2014
Installation, linocut and monoprint cutouts on wall, size variable.
Installation, linocut cutouts on wall, size variable.
"Beneath My Wings" Linocut. 6"x 8", 2015